Saturday, October 27, 2012

The adventure continues...

I've been playing with the idea of whether or not to continue the blog, or whether I should just let it live as an homage to our life and times on the road. I was really leaning towards the later, to preserve the adventure as it was abroad, in new and interesting locals around the world, but then there was the tiny voice, that grew into a larger pull to write again. So, I'll keep thigs going, at least for now, because life is really an every day adventure isn't it? I think so! And I know our course certainly isn't complete. And to be honest, I truly enjoy it. I like it! So, I'm back and happy to keep a good thing alive, even if I'm the only one who will read it, which is totally fine by me!

It's been almost a week since we returned, and we've been settling back in to a life of relative ease, not having to live out of a backpack, grocery shopping, cooking food for Ryan's family(I made tacos tonight!), doing my own laundry (I wonder how soon the novelty of THAT will last?!?), and trying to wake up an hour later each day to combat the jet lag that is still nagging! I made it to 8 am today, but then again, I also took 2 naps, probably undoing all the good work I've done.

The week has been a little surreal, not gonna lie. It felt familiar and strange all at the same time. We have never really been at Ryan's parents house during a regular work/school week due to our own working schedules, so sleeping in the basement room here, and waking up to the footsteps and hushed morning conversations getting Bob and Grace (in high and middle school) off to the bus, Alex off to law school and papa Daniel leaving for work left us with plenty if time to unpack, organize and make breakfast and have lazy morning conversations at the kitchen table with Ryan's mom over tea.

One highlight, of course being to carry on the tradition of a Teacher and friends happy hour at our favorite Manhattan dive bar, Malachy's. can something be epic if it has happened loads of times and is still just that awesome? Well, it was epic. Much love from the NYC peeps, and it just goes to prove that going away always is difficult, but to miss, and be missed- that feels good to reunite.

Back in New Jersey we did grocery shopping, visited the apple orchard (yes- cider and doughnuts!), and I did a bit of stamping with mama Daniel. She and her friends are quite the artists. There is some sort of breast cancer fundraiser coming up this weekend, so I sat in the craft corner punching out Christmas ornaments from multi-colored and patterned paper, and arranging them in a Christmas tree shape as a scrap book page. Creativity- BAM! I like art projects, and I also like benefits, so it was a win,win, as far as I'm concerned.

Ryan picked me up from crafting and we began our search for the worlds perfect car. Yes, it exists out there somewhere! Over the past few days we've visited several dealerships, sat behind many a wheel, and oohhhed, ahhhhed, and clicked our tongues while on the car prowl. It all paid off in the end- car purchased. I'm now big!

I may be partial to our newest family member, but little Lira is a light green Honda CR-V that gets awesome gas millage, has a sun roof, and has more American made parts than the Ford we looked at. :( But, it seems like the right size, has a few bells, though not many whistles, and it drives. Yes, the sign of a great first new car!

Triumph! Now, maybe for another nap.

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