Friday, November 16, 2012

I ain't got no gas

Usually that's a good thing. For me it is a bad thing! We moved to our place on Magnolia St. on Wednesday, and while setting up and unpacking is coming along pretty nicely, it's hard to ignore the fact that the nimrods that moved out before we moved in turned off the gas to this place. I've also come to find out that living in Chicago is a little bit more ass backwards than anywhere else I've lived, and here's why. First, you can't just call and have your gas turned on like, oh, EVERYWHERE else I've ever lived. Oh no, here, you need to call and sign up for your account, then they will tell you you have to go to some ghetto western union type place which also duels as a People's Gas office, where you have to slide two forms of ID under a plastic window, like a convict, to a teller who could care less whether you ever get hot water in your home. Next they have to fax proof that they saw you, and that you are who you say you are, to the official People's Gas office, and within 24-48 hours they will call you to set up an appointment to come to your house and turn on said gas. I went to this office yesterday, they called me back to make an appointment for NEXT WEDNESDAY!! Holy s#*%! Might I add that gas is what powers our heat, hot water, stove, oven, and a useless freakin' fireplace. So, basically we can pee, wash our hands with cold water, unpack, and microwave soup...and then wash our dishes with cold water. It's like camping, but with unending luggage.

So, despite all that, the unpacking process, while huge and daunting, seems to be happening at a steady, if not somewhat chilly pace. The kitchen is no longer in boxes, and the only thing that makes me warm is the view I get of the little makeshift living room that we've set up with an Ikea easy chair, a butterfly chair I've had since my dorm days at MSU, and our Turkish rug, which seems a tad out of place for now. Ryan got the TV all set up, and since we have no cable or internet, we've had about 2 straight days of the entire Harry Potter series on DVD and Blu-ray looping along in The background. I think maybe we should switch it up a little though, years 6 and 7 are kind of a downer.

Slowly but surely, things will get done. I got some shelves that I need to put up in our master bathroom that will make it possible to unpack. We've had to set our toothbrushes on a paper plate... I have only managed to find one suitcase with underwear and bras, which managed to find its way into the only drawer I have filled in my dresser. I had to locate the bin with as many blankets as I could find, since nights are spent huddling together in our bed, which is one if the few things we've actually assembled, for warmth. I contacted the landlord, who was extremely apologetic, but couldn't make the gas company speed up with the process. He did say he'd reimburse us for the space heaters we had to buy, and said he'd discount our rent as well. A silver lining? Luckily, I have a few friends in the city, so I was able to go to Liz Tracy's apartment last night for a shower, and a much needed glass of wine. Might have to hit Heather up tomorrow. Showering is for the weak! And smelly.

We had a triumphant trip to Crate and Barrel, where I think we may have located a couch that won't break the bank, and then the Container Store and Bed, Bath and Beyond did the rest. Now I'm back in my frigid and sparsely decorated apartment. I could say I feel sorry for myself, which it really sounds like I kinda do, but it's not so bad, I love it here! :) For all your foibles, Chicago, I still got the love (just not the gas!!)